The Great Leader
The Great Leader is a speculative concept playing on the themes of fake news and totalitarian governments using social media as an extention of the state
The Great Leader is a speculative concept playing on the themes of fake news and totalitarian governments using social media as an extention of the state
Citizens measured through likes and followersThe Great Leader is a speculative concept seeking to investigate and unravel some of the dynamics of modern digital society. The notion of fake news is becoming more prominent in society today. Transparency is decreasing, while untrust in leaders is increasing. The use of Social media as channels for official information is slowly becoming the norm for most government institutions around the world. In a sense, citizen participation are being measured in likes and followers.
An immitation of real life
The symbolism of The Great Leader were deliberately made to clearly resemble the swastika of Nazi Germany to make clear connotations to something evil and bad.
You can see The Great Leader and read some of his statements here: Interplay of many diciplines
Responsible for software structureThe overall concept was concived jointly between all the teammembers. My primary contribution was programmer of the central softwarestructure of the system. I worked with the NODE.JS server, and built the communication between the statement generation program, the API's and the twitter bot itself.
Furthermore, co-created the conceptvideo with one of the other team members. A team of experimentation and fun |
Key Roles in the project: